What we are organizing
The RN37 – Urban Sociology of ESA is organizing its first Summer School for Young Urban Scholars, an event entirely dedicated to PhD students and young non-tenured researchers.
This event will be held in Genoa (Italy) on September 4-6, 2023.
Why we are organizing it
This event is the result of the continuation of a path that started with the Young Scholars Pre-Conference Day in Berlin last October 4, before RN37 V Midterm Conference. It also draws on feedback that emerged during the RN37 Business Meeting in Berlin with the RN37 members and the young scholars who joined to the conference.
This event is planned to strengthen specific urban research skills, foster soft skills and interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary expertise. PhD students and young non-structured scholars will also be able to discuss and receive feedback on their work from senior researchers with high reputation in urban studies.
People who are interested in joining the Summer School are requested to:
- Submit a motivation letter (max 2 pages) and a CV (max 5 pages) to rn37.esa@gmail.com
- In case they are accepted, applicants will be requested to submit a full draft of a paper/proposal/chapter to receive a feedback during the summer school.
- March 31, 2023: submission of motivation letter and CV to rn37.esa@gmail.com
- April 15, 2023: communication of the selection result to the applicants
- April 17, 2023 – May 17, 2023: opening and closing of registrations.
- June 15, 2023: end of possibility to ask for refund in case of non-participation.
- July 15, 2023: submission of papers/proposal/chapters to rn37.esa@gmail.com
Registration fees
- 75€ for ESA members
- 100€ for non-ESA members
- Registration fees include: coffee breaks, lunches, the social dinner of September 5, and the urban walk
- Registration fees do not include travel and accommodation (although we will give some information about accommodation timely)
The detailed programme is now available:
Summer School Program (updated 31/08/2023)
RN37 Board
- Gabriele Manella (University of Bologna, Italy), Coordinator
- Katarzyna Kajdanek (University of Wroclaw, Poland), Vice-Coordinator
- Anna Bednarczyk (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland), Board Member
- Madalena Corte-Real (ISEC Lisboa / Nova University Lisbon, Portugal), Board Member
- Niccolò Morelli (University of Genoa, Italy), Board Member
- Rui Carvalho (Brown University, Providence, United States), PhD Student Representative.
Local Board
- Niccolò Morelli (University of Genoa)
- Paolo Parra Saiani (University of Genoa)
- Daniela Preda (University of Genoa).
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
katarzynakajdanek (February 24, 2023). 1st Summer School for Young Urban Scholars (updated program now available). European Sociological Association Research Network 37: Urban Sociology. Retrieved November 11, 2024 from https://doi.org/10.58079/oi78